–Virgin’s Hyperloop One penned a deal with the Saudi government to build a Hyperloop test track, says BBC.

–Pampers is launching a “smart diaper” embedded with activity sensors that will alert parents when the diaper is wet, monitor babies’ sleep patterns and track behavior patterns, writes Designboom.

i-D explores how tik tok is changing beauty standards for gen Z in an evolving social media landscape.

–Travelers can now get some shut eye on the go thanks to Sleepbox, which has installed 16 bookable nap pods at Dulles International Airport, reveals Dezeen.

Fast Company introduces Nolla, a zero-waste restaurant in Helsinki that sends diners home with compost.

–Middle Eastern travelers are increasingly turning to digital travel platforms, fueling a surge in the region’s online travel market. Via Skift

–Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba will now allowing US businesses to sell on Alibaba.com, competing for a share of the western market, announces BBC.

–The number of Snapchat users has increased 8% over the last year, gaining back lost ground, reveals The Guardian.

–Designer clothing brand Alice + Olivia is releasing a CBD wellness line in collaboration with Kush Queen, announces WWD.

–Could Big Tech’s reign be coming to a close? BBC unpacks the US Department of Justice’s investigation into tech giants.

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