The Innovation Group has launched The Future 100: Trends and Change to Watch in 2017, our report on the 100 consumer trends you need to know for the coming year across 10 sectors.

Key trends for 2017 include:

Culture — AI art — Today’s artists are using emerging artificial intelligence technologies to create, curate and collaborate in ways that were impossible just a few years ago.

Tech and InnovationAugmented reality evolves — The surprise success of Pokémon Go has put augmented reality (AR) in the pockets of millions. As Apple and others plan AR initiatives, retailers and marketers are looking at the technology with fresh eyes.

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The Next Rembrandt by JWT Amsterdam for ING
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Gardens Anthropocene by Tamiko Thiel
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Gardens Anthropocene by Tamiko Thiel

Travel and HospitalityHalal tourism — The tourism industry is waking up to the growing spending power of Muslim travelers, who represent a $220 billion market.

Brands and Marketing(Dis)ability advertising — Nearly one in five adults, or over 53 million people, in the United States have a disability, and that ratio is expected to grow. Advertising is finally starting to reflect that reality.

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Al Meroz hotel in Bangkok

Food and DrinkMarijuana: The new rosé? — Marijuana may be on its way to overtaking wine as the hip indulgence of choice for women, as accessories get high-end redesigns and more women go into cannabusiness.

BeautySecond skin — Researchers are uncovering new materials that create a “second skin” to restore natural elasticity and a youthful appearance.

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AnnaBis marijuana handbags by Ann Shuch and Jeanine Moss
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Web second skin project by mit living proof and olivo labs
Second skin project by MIT, Living Proof and Olivo Labs

Retail — Retail naturalism — Technology brands are evolving retail concepts away from cold and minimal shops toward something friendlier and more natural.

HealthQuantified blood — The rise of at-home blood testing is bringing entirely new dimensions to the tracking of personal health.

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Apple Store, Regent Street designed by Foster + Partners. Image courtesy of Nigel Young

LifestyleSleep renaissance — We’re in the midst of a soporific renaissance as innovators respond to our culture’s chronic undervaluation of sleep, and the “sleep space” gets the Silicon Valley treatment.

LuxuryArtificial nature — Luxury hospitality brands are creating sophisticated manmade natural environments where guests can not only experience five-star service, but also enjoy an environment that would otherwise be unavailable.

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Meneya Collection by Lunya
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Rosemont Hotel and Residences Dubai, 2018. Copyright Plompmozes
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Rosemont Hotel and Residences Dubai, 2018. Copyright Plompmozes

Click here for the full report, including 10 trends for each of the sectors above.

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