Pasaje Paseo de las Carretas
2580 Punta Carretas Tower, Piso 6
Montevideo 11300

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VML is a global creative company - formed from the unification of Wunderman Thompson and VMLY&R - two of the most-awarded creative agencies in the world.

With the interconnectivity of world-class brand experience, customer experience and commerce capabilities, VML is equipped to support clients on creative brand growth strategy and transformation initiatives, all powered by deep data, marketing technology, and platform expertise.

VML connects a global network of over 28,000 people across 60+ markets.

Our Work


Obvious Password

Your password could be much more obvious than you think
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Change the Chants

Fans of Danubio FC unite to change how they support their team
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Danubio board orgullosos solo v3 10

Proud of Our Colors

A soccer fan's video supports the LGBTQ+ community
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Captura de Pantalla 2022 11 08 a las 7 55 47 p m